The non profit association of horeca flag retailers “Marcas de Restauración” in its 25 Anniversary has relaunched its VI Prizes Edition in which a jury composed by proffesionals of our sector, select the Best Brands/Flags/Companies Outstandng in several Categories.
In Refrival as a service company within the horeca sector, and critical for the Horeca Value Chain we decided to present in the Digital Cathegory our New Customer Service Model launched in May, which pivots around the QR RFV code launched in may2021 (see Press Release News in this web).
It is a transversal multiclient simple contact solution for those clients RFV Customer Service Coverage, impacting more than 100.000 points of sales, which can decide after reading our QR RFV Code placed and personalized at the outlet, how to contact us for any RFV Service Incidence Request:
- App
form - VideoRemote
Assistance - Analogic contact to our Call Center
It did not happen! we did not win!!, but the most important for us was to participate along with many other prestigious brands/companies, showing how Refrival is really digitalizing the sector in a tranversal way, improving our Clients’ Experience!!
Ours is a scalable model, as long as new RFV Clients decided to join our QR soluctions it is very easy to include them On the other hand, any new way to contact to be developed can be integrated in RFV processes and systems making it visible in our QR Landing page.